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October, my first fulltime job as a developer. Started as a frontend developer, but currently I am regularly contributing to both front and backend codebases. Received the Code Master award and am living the best life with Typescript!

React mixed with Ember on the frontend, with some other nice tools such as React Query, D3.js (company analysis dashboards), Storybook (our own design system), PDF.js (custom document viewer) and Reactflow. Express server with Node.js on the backend, interacting with a MongoDB database and with AWS SQS and S3.

I am collaborating with a wonderful team of 30+ developers, designers and product managers, whom I meet in Paris every month. We follow the agile methodology with the help of Github, Jira, Figma, and Slack.

Company analysis website


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Completed my third website , for a group of friends who launched a literary magazine. Backend: Firebase. Designed in Figma.

Litterary magazine website


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Completed this website to apply for a position as a web developper! I did it in Svelte/Sapper to get to know this new framework.


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At Accenture, worked on a data engineering project, organizing call center data. The technology stack included Databricks and Datafactory on Azure, SQL (SQL Server and Oracle) and Python.


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At Accenture, managed a small team on a python project using NLP for automatic legal analysis of contracts. The technology stack included Kedro, FastAPI, Docker, Prometheus, SQL Server, Github and AWS S3.


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Completed my second website , in collaboration with a friend whose uncle owns a vineyard. Designed in Figma.

Vineyard website


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Created two data visualizations, using D3 and React (Nextjs).

#1 Map with election results.

Interactive map with election results

#2 Visualization of parliament votes.

Interactive viz of parliament votes.


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Passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practionner exam.

Also participated in a 3-day workshop on Machine Learning with AWS.


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Completed my first website ! Developed it for my stepfather, to display his art works. Backend: Firebase. Designed in Figma.

Porfolio website


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At Accenture, created a mobile application with Flutter that served as an interface for an object-detection algorithm. The app made requets to a API that I developed with Flask and deployed with Docker. This was my first mobile app.


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At Accenture, created a dashboard with Power BI. It was displayed on a large touch-screen at the office for anyone to interact with and explore the daily operations data. I was also responsible for treating the data to use in the dashboard, on SQL Server.


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At Accenture, helped develop and used a text classification software in Python, which exposed an API through a Docker container.


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Took some online courses about web development, for instance:

#1 React for Beginners by Wesbos.

#2 Fullstack Advanced React & GraphQL by Wesbos.

#3 Responsive Web Design (CSS course) by Kevin Powell.


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Read the book React+D3 2018 by Swizec Teller about integrating D3 with React. This was my first contact with web development.


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At Accenture, worked with time series forecasting for predicting the inflow of water on dams, based on past data and weather forecast.


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Completed my master thesis on applying machine learning techniques to get a 3D rotation of a galaxy from just one picture of it.


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First contact with Python when I decided to study AI. Before, I had coding experience with C and C++ for physics, i.e. theoretical modelling and experimental data analysis.

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